Welcome to Navjeevan Dairy Farm

Welcome to Navjeevan Dairy Farms! We’re passionate about delivering fresh, healthy, and sustainable dairy products straight from our farm to your table. Explore our range of delicious milk, ghee, curd and paneer, and join us in our mission to support local agriculture and healthy living. Thanks for choosing us!


Enjoy the freshest milk possible, delivered right to your doorstep.


Eco-friendly packaging reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact.

Animal Welfare:

Our products come from happy, healthy cows that roam free.

Local Support:

We partner with local farmers to bring you the best products possible.

1.1K+ Visitors
2005 Since Our Firm
Why Choose Us ?

At Natural Plus Farms, we pride ourselves on our expertise and commitment to producing the highest quality dairy products. Our team has years of experience in dairy farming and animal husbandry, and we use only the best practices and technology to ensure the health and well-being of our animals. We believe that happy, healthy cows produce the best milk, and we’re dedicated to delivering only the finest products to your table.



Farm Matters To The Future.

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